Whenever Trindl does come back, there is not only space for him on The Volcano (two different platforms accommodate a DJ booth that Jahan mostly uses in his absence) but also in the hearts of the group’s fanbase.
Though the group promises he remains a part of the full performance that is Krewella and will be on tour with them again soon, there is no date set yet for his return. While he is expected to join the Yousaf sisters on tour, the pace of the past year has led to a bout of exhaustion. Absent from this rehearsal as well as several recent tour dates has been the male third of Krewella, Kris “Rain Man” Trindl. Since then, the group has signed to Columbia, relocated to Los Angeles and teamed with Richy Jackson, known for his work with Lady Gaga, on the show’s creative direction. It was only a year ago that this trio of Chicago natives were ping-ponging across the country in a van, often without the luxury of a bed and a shower in between shows. New songs like “We Go Down” get a full court delivery in their original form while older tracks like “Killin It” and “Play Hard” are presented in a remix form (“We have some great remixers, so why not?” Jahan says). While “Live For The Night” hasn’t yet matched the success of their breakthrough hit “Alive,” the rest of their new album is a hit parade, designed for the kind of epic performances this tour demands.